Vermont Coffee Company
We are a small-town roaster located in Middlebury, Vermont. We treat coffee like produce, and we want you to enjoy it fresh. We ship only fresh-roasted Big, Bold, whole bean, organic coffee.Our motto, "Coffee Roasted for Friends,®" is more than a slogan. It's really our mission, our reason for being in this business. We embrace fair trade relationships throughout our coffee business. As a friend to the farmer we insist on fair trade practices. As a friend to the earth we use only organic beans. As a friend to Vermont we support local charities and our local economy.Visit us on Facebook or Twitter @VermontCoffeeCo
Name Ryan Emmons
Phone 802-398-2776 x812
Vermont Coffee Company
1197 Exchange St Ste 3
Middlebury, VT 05753
1197 Exchange St Ste 3
Middlebury, VT 05753